Renee Leon
Senior Director, Internal Accounting
A few things you might not know about Renee…
Who was your childhood actor / actress crush?
“Dan Haggerty – “Grizzly Adams” – I was fascinate by the character’s connection with animals and that quality made him so endearing to me. I wanted to learn to “speak bear”.”
What did you name your first car?
“Her name was Bonnie and she was a blue, 1966 Ford Mustang.”

What breed of dog would you be?
“Pembroke Welsh Corgi – bred as working dogs but cute enough that they can get away with just being the family pet. Besides, I can relate to being short, stocky and hard-headed.”
What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?
““You’re killin’ me, Smalls.”- The Sandlot & “You can’t handle the truth!” – A Few Good Men”
What song, album, or artist could you listen to on repeat?